So a Male friend of mine messaged me sometime ago and asked me for steps to prepare stew.
Some guys really do not know how to prepare any food, some still believe a male's place is not in the kitchen. I feel sorry for You.
I'm gonna be posting some easy foods you can just prepare on your own without goin through much stress.
Today we are gonna prepare stew.
Ingredients: Meat/Chicken(any one you like), ground pepper (tomatoes,pepper,onion,tatase or bawa), seasoning, salt, groundnut oil/palm oil/ veg oil, water,
1. Place a clean pot on the lit stove/cooker.
2. Rinse your meat/chicken thoroughly into the pot on the stove.
3. squeeze your seasoning, thyme, curry,salt into the pot of stew.(depending on the quantity of you are cooking)
4. Add lots of water. (Make sure you taste it to be sure the seasoning is not too much, if it is too much add more water than necessary)
5. Cover the pot and wait for a few minutes. (make sure it gets soft)
Meat is Ready
Now for the Stew:
1. Get the tomatoes, pepper, tatashe and onion.
2. Grind the pepper in a blender or u could use a grinding machine.
3. Place a dry pot on the lit stove or wait for it to dry
4. Pour your oil into the stove
5. Pour your ground pepper into the hot oil and wait for a few mins for it to fry
6. Then put your seasoning or better still you could pour the boiled meat water (remember to taste for salt)
7. Cover the pot and boil for few minutes then pour you meat inside it.
ta da!!
if what you get doesn't look anything like this, my dear you aff miss road. hehehe
*if you like your meat fried you cant fry it a bit before putting it into the stew.
*You can eat your stew with Rice, Yam. Bread or if u wanna try any other ojukokoro.
*Meat stew contains high protein content can be a valuable source of fuel for the body, minerals, including iron, phosphorous, zinc, and the complete range of B vitamins
Why don't you try it and stop licking ur screen. :d
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