Monday 22 July 2013

WWE Plans To Host Their First-Ever Comic Con Style Convention

WWE has been planning a weekend-long conventio
n, styled after the popular San Diego Comic Con. The plan is for the convention to be held over four days in the same city as a major pay-per-view event.

WWE officials are still working on plans and reaching out to fans via surveys to gauge their interest.There is no timetable yet though.

The four-day event, likely from Thursday to Sunday, would be far more like a comic convention than WWE's current Axes events with many different attractions. Early plans are to have a VIP ticket in the $100-$150 area as well as a general admission ticket. These tickets would be separate from the pay-per-view ticket.
Early markets under consideration for the first WWE convention are New York City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Miami, San Antonio, New Orleans and Orlando.

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