I'll still be facing the Fools we call our leader that enforces law to satisfy there selfish interest.
Let Me start from the past: some months back this same House Members passed a law against same sex marriage; which automatically scraps out those that are attracted to same sex(lesbians and gays). I was and I'm still against the bill; now someone just raised a brow. Ok.. They hid under the umbrella of the Holy books while passing this law... its against religion was part of their excuse, the bible doesn't support it and all the song against 'Gay marriage'. That's Fair..
Going down to the current siege happening in the house about removing Section 29(4)b (any woman who is married shall be deemed to be of full age) let me try explain... Removing this part of the constitution simply means no one will ever get married except he or she is 18 years old, which is fair enough for Me, Our Senator
Yerima explained that removing this section is strongly against His 'RELIGION' which allows them to marry anyone at any age even if he or she is a year old; that's absurd! Muhammad (SAW) married Aishat at the age of 9.
I don't blame Him really, I blame our country for ever letting religion take over our constitution... For not having a fair and rational thinking before passing bills...My motion supporting 'gay sex and marriage' is this; I wonder what's the business of People/government with what two "fully grown adult do behind closed doors, they cause no harm than just personal pleasure compared to the Old dudes that derive pleasure from 'unriped p****y' (paedophilia)which causes nothing than Harm to the girl in question.
Its all dances back to Religion which has been our weakest point in Nigeria. We take the holy books so sovereign that we can't question the wrongs that was written their for over 1,300 years ago, and if they really want to go by this Holy Books, they should start with the 10 commandment which clearly states that "Remember the Sabbath(which happens to be a Saturday) our Sunday activities should be swapped with Saturday
My packing garage is this: we should leave the so called "Holy Books" out of making laws and constitution and if Religion can't be ruled out of our system, We must debate and discard if necessary some sections of the holy books..... starting off course with those that supports child marriage......#Drian'Gold et phoenix
I don't blame Him really, I blame our country for ever letting religion take over our constitution... For not having a fair and rational thinking before passing bills...My motion supporting 'gay sex and marriage' is this; I wonder what's the business of People/government with what two "fully grown adult do behind closed doors, they cause no harm than just personal pleasure compared to the Old dudes that derive pleasure from 'unriped p****y' (paedophilia)which causes nothing than Harm to the girl in question.
Its all dances back to Religion which has been our weakest point in Nigeria. We take the holy books so sovereign that we can't question the wrongs that was written their for over 1,300 years ago, and if they really want to go by this Holy Books, they should start with the 10 commandment which clearly states that "Remember the Sabbath(which happens to be a Saturday) our Sunday activities should be swapped with Saturday
My packing garage is this: we should leave the so called "Holy Books" out of making laws and constitution and if Religion can't be ruled out of our system, We must debate and discard if necessary some sections of the holy books..... starting off course with those that supports child marriage......#Drian'Gold et phoenix
A great violence was coming that none could have foreseen.
At stake for the church-state empire was control.
At stake for villeins
was nothing less than the birth of human rights.
At stake for the little band of Brethren was life itself.