Saturday, 20 July 2013


I'm going crazy over this deluded and animalistic act of giving an under-aged girl to marriage... Maybe these people should be educated about the effect of teenage pregnancy be it medical(fistula et al)social,economic and psychological effect.The worse part of this issue is that our "so called" President and 1st lady(being a woman) have not said anything over this issue and other 1st ladies across the other 35 states (except Mrs. Fayemi of Ekiti State)have developed acute mutism about this issue which is petinent to the future of an average Nigeria child and also violates the right of the Nigerian child as stipulated by section 21 of the child act right.
Yerima who married his egyptian wife in Nigeria(@ age 12)after been restricted from such in the north african country and claimed that he's following the footstep of "our" Mohammed Sallallah walayhi wasalam(S.A.W)who married Aishat at the age of nine-should be referred to a psychiatric center for proper Management of Paedophilia.
It is also rather sadonic and disheartening that our 'religious fathers' have not said anything over this issue.....Oh,sorry it's not yet 2015 when prophecies would be flowing here and there over the next God select and endorsement of a certain 'chosen one' at national conventions.......Just think about it,we know what the early xtians were like;people like Paul,Stephen,Peter et al who stood against government to fight societal vices,who fought with their blood-they were mostly martyred for the sake of fighting for truth and posterity stl remember them,our 'religious daddys and mummys' should take a clue from here.......
This madness has to stop !........#Drian'Gold et Phoenix.......#OccupyNigeria

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